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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  October 12, 2012 12:35am-1:35am EDT

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♪ in the cradle of my unruly chest you belong ♪ ♪ take it as it is make another bid ♪ ♪ step dad just wants to learn how to be alone ♪ ♪ step dad just wants to learn how to be alone ♪ ♪ step dad just wants to learn how to be alone ♪ ♪ come get what's lost
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what's left before it's gone ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: grizzly bear. nice job, gentlemen. thanks, guys. nice job. nice job, guys. >> thank you. >> jay: good job, thank you, thank you. i want to thank my guests terry bradshaw, captain mark kelly, and of course, grizzly bear.
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tomorrow night, miley cyrus will be here. but the emmy man, jimmy fallon, happening now. jimmy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: thank you very much, everybody. hello. thank you. welcome. welcome, everybody. thank you for being here. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon," everybody. [ cheers and applause ] gonna be a fun show tonight. here's what people are talking about, you guys. there's a lot of pressure on joe biden at the presidential debate tonight after the president's weak performance against romney. when he heard democrats were counting on him to say the right things, biden was like, "you can count on me, bitches." [ laughter ] and this is big. today, "time" magazine published a bunch of pictures of paul ryan working out. have you guys seen these? [ light laughter ] take a look at this one here. yeah. [ cheers ] gym, tan, romney, right there. [ laughter ] look at this. this is the one that really got me. i like this one. [ cheers and applause ] that's the next vice president of the united states.
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[ laughter ] he looks like screech from "saved by the bell." [ laughter ] like, backwards hat. [ applause ] come to the debate, stay for the gun show. [ laughter ] more campaign news. a new poll found that only 47% of voters find mitt romney to be trustworthy. then romney was like, "well, i hope it's not the same 47% i don't care about." [ laughter and applause ] be a bummer. did you hear about this? this week, president obama's facebook page received more than one million "likes" in a single day. yep. all of them from republicans who watched last week's debate. [ laughter and applause ] "we like you. we like you. that was fantastic." [ applause ] i don't know if you guys have heard about this, but with less than four weeks till the election, mitt romney's oldest son, tagg -- [ laughter ] tagg romney has been put in charge of his dad's campaign. he's giving speeches. he's talking to voters. he's even helped paul ryan prepare for the vp debate. this has left a lot of people
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wondering, "what about mitt romney's other four sons? we haven't heard much from them at all." we actually have them live, via satellite, from salt lake city, right now. hey, guys. how's it going? >> all: good. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm sorry. can you remind us what your names are? >> all: yes. we are ben, matt, craig and josh. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: kind of strange that you guys are all talking at the same time like that, but -- [ laughter ] do you guys mind that your oldest brother, tagg, is so closely involved in the campaign while you guys seem to be hanging back? >> all: no, that doesn't bother us -- >> at all. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: not at all? >> all: no, tagg is the oldest brother, so he deserves it. also, we're happy to have him out of the house because now we
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can play with his matchbox cars. ha ha ha. >> i love matchbox cars. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. well, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourselves? >> all: i am craig, and i have two children. i am ben, and i'm a doctor. i am josh, and i have a lovely wife named jen. [ clears throats ] excuse me. [ laughter ] and i'm matt, and, hmmm -- let's see. what can i say about myself? hmmm. oh! my favorite band is coldplay. yes. i love coldplay. they're the best -- >> band of all time. they're so good. chris martin. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you very much for being on the show, guys. [ cheers and applause ] >> all: thank you, jimmy. >> take care, man. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that one son seemed a little bit more fun, yeah. big sports news, you guys. lance armstrong could be pegged as the biggest cheater in sports 'cause of this new report that shows that he might have run the most sophisticated doping
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program in sports history. when news of this got out, major league baseball was like, "well, we had a good run." [ laughter ] [ applause ] and finally, this is weird. today's date is october 11th, 2012 or 10/11/12. [ cheers and applause ] yep, 10, 11, 12, or as the duggars call those, great baby names. [ laughter ] we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we have an unbelievable show tonight. a fantastic show. she is hosting "saturday night live" this weekend. from nbc's, "up all night," the lovely christina applegate is here! [ cheers and applause ] plus, a very great actor, a very entertaining gentlemen. from "parks and recreation," the
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very funny nick offerman is stopping by! [ cheers and applause ] ron swanson, himself. >> steve: good dude. >> jimmy: and we got music from a legend tonight. jackson browne is in the house! [ cheers and applause ] he's awesome. guys, it's time for "late night hashtags." here we go. ♪ hashtags, hashtags hashtags, hashtags hashtags ♪ >> jimmy: these are lists on twitter where we give you the topic and you send in the tweets. so, i went on twitter and started a hashtag called "i thought i was cool." and i asked you guys at home to tweet out something funny or weird that you used to do because you thought it was cool. what i tweeted out is i lowered my basketball hoop so that people from the street thought i was dunking. [ laughter ] you know, slamming it. [ laughter ] clearly, it was much lower. it looked like -- yeah. >> steve: it was last summer? >> jimmy: yeah, it was last summer. [ laughter ] i was bored. i was getting, like, this much air.
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>> steve: oh, that's good. [ laughter ] you can put a little -- >> jimmy: yeah. i had one of those tiny, little basketballs. i did so many things i thought was cool that's not cool. remember those, like, painter hats that had the two things in the back? >> steve: oh, yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i tried to act like that was -- i had, like, one -- like a "ghostbusters 2" one. [ laughter ] wore it around. i was a big ray parker jr. fan. well, anyways, we got thousands of tweets. in fact, within a half hour, it was a worldwide trending topic, which is awesome, so thank you for those tweets. [ cheers and applause ] and now, i thought i'd share some of my favorite "i thought i was cool" tweets from you guys. here we go. this one's from @killermann. he says, "when i was a kid, i would roll my calculator in my shirt sleeve and pretend it was a pack of cigarettes." [ laughter ] "have a cigarette -- boy?" [ laughter ] this one's from @iambenniethejet. he says, "in second grade, i carried a suitcase instead of a backpack to look professional."
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[ laughter ] not a briefcase. he had a suitcase. [ light laughter ] >> steve: "are you moving?" >> jimmy: "nope. got all my paperwork in here. second grade." [ light laughter ] this one's from @soupoftheday. she says, "when i was in 5th grade, i put on sunglasses and referred to myself in the third person as 'shades.'" [ laughter ] "shades wants a fruit roll-up, stat." [ laughter ] >> steve: stat. >> jimmy: shades. this one's from @clarksfirst. she says, "when i was young, i used to give myself hickeys with the family vacuum." [ laughter and applause ] "you got lucky the other night?" "yeah." "what's the name of your boyfriend?" "fred dyson." >> steve: "hoover." [ laughter ] "greg hoover." >> jimmy: this one's from @airball1121. he says, "i used to wave my hands when approaching automatic doors at stores and act like i was using the force." [ laughter ] >> steve: i still do that.
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>> jimmy: yeah. yeah, i still do that. why not? this one's from @jeremymbenson. he says, "when i was 10, i used my mom's mascara on my peach-fuzzed upper lip to make it look like i had a real moustache." [ laughter ] 10-year-old with a mustache. >> steve: yeah. "got my suitcase." >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. this one's from @paultrafga. he says, "everyone had their hats on backward, so i tried to start the trend of wearing your backpack on your belly. didn't catch on." [ laughter ] "everyone's doin' it, man." >> steve: -- baby bjorn. >> jimmy: yeah, it is bjorn, yeah. see? throw a baby in there. this last one's from @vanhoisin? no. @vancevenhuizen. [ laughter ] [ high pitched nerdy voice ] >> steve: van huizen! [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: @vancevenhuizen. [ laughter ] anyways, here's what vance thought was cool. >> steve: here's what vancey says. >> jimmy: he said, "i told my kindergarten friends that my dad killed a bald eagle with a
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hatchet." [ laughter ] what?! [ cheers and applause ] there you have it. those are tonight's "late night hashtags." to check out more of our favorites, go to hashtags. stick around. be right back with "darts of insanity." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] 20,000 btus produce a delicate sear. double-oven range makes dinner and dessert -- at the same time. turbo-charged advantium oven cooks more than twice as fast, in this culinary powerhouse. dan. yes? molé sauce. [ male announcer ] with ge's most advanced cooking technology, the café line takes food further. ♪
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the café line takes food further. new pink lemonade 5-hour energy? 5-hour energy supports the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. so i can get the energized feeling i need and support a great cause? i'm sold. pink lemonade 5-hour energy? yeah and a portion of every sale goes to the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. i'm sold. new pink lemonade 5-hour energy. get the alert, energized feeling you need and support breast cancer research and access to care.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. now it's time for one of my favorite games. it's time for "darts of insanity!" here we go. ♪ ♪ darts of insanity >> jimmy: thank you. this is "darts of insanity," a game of skills, strategy and what some would consider moral depravity. >> woo! [ whip crack ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: higgins, let's get three contestants down here! >> steve: well, jimmy, coming to the stage are -- ♪
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alex manassas, nick haycock and edward chowin. ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. welcome. welcome. thank you so much, guys. welcome, everybody. what are your names and where are you from? >> my name is alex manassas. i'm from brooklyn, new york. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, good man. brooklyn in the house. >> nick haycock from calgary, alberta. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how you doing, nick? thanks for the handshake. you didn't give me a handshake. >> that's all right. >> i'm edward chowin from queens, new york. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, welcome, buddy. that's what i'm talking about there, you go. welcome, everybody. now guys, listen up. here is how the game works. to your right, is the "sharp 108," the dreaded "dart board of insanity." >> oh, hell no! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: now, one at a time, you'll take this official "buzz bee ultimate rapid blast air blaster" and shoot a rubber dart at the board. the board will quickly flash between various stunts that you may be subjected to, each of which carries a specific point value. for instance, we have -- "veggie wedgie" for three points. [ light laughter ] "germs of endearment" for six points. "purple nurple" for 12 points.
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[ light laughter ] a "purple nurple" is not as bad as a "purple slurple," but it's a lot worse than a "nipple cripple." [ laughter ] whatever your dart lands on, that's what you'll have to do. whoever has the most points at the end of one round wins the game and a check for $100. [ cheers and applause ] wow. you guys ready? >> yep. >> jimmy: all right, contestant number one, you're up first. stand behind the firing line. [ cheers ] get this guy cooking. [ drum roll ] initiate the "dart board of insanity!" [ tech noises ] here's your gun. you may fire when ready! [ ding ] "pumpkin head." five points. ♪ not bad. [ applause ] not bad. pumpkin head. higgins, tell him what he's gotta do! >> steve: well, jimmy, tonight's lucky contestant gets to take a big 'ol pumpkin and put it on his head! then he'll then have to perform the ancient, mystical "dance of the pumpkin head!" once the dance is done, he's won! five points that is, jimmy? >> jimmy: thank you, higgins.
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as you can see, we have a beautiful, festive pumpkin here. it's been hollowed out. [ light laughter ] now, all you have to do is put it on your head and start dancing when you hear the roots play the "pumpkin head song." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] and then, you have to leave it on for the rest of the game. sound good? >> sounds awesome. >> jimmy: all right. cool, man. go ahead and put on your pumpkin head. >> jimmy: yup. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] lookin' good! audience, cheer him on! ready? set? dance! ♪ ♪ pumpkin head pumpkin head you got a pumpkin head ♪ ♪ you my pumpkin head crazy insane got no pumpkin head ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is pretty good,
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right there that is good. you get five points. how do you feel, buddy? >> pretty good. smells pumpkiny. >> jimmy: very good! all right, head over to this way. watch your step. somebody is going to help you out. don't worry about it buddy. [ light laughter ] all right. here we go. our next contestant. that was nice. what's up, my man? you know what you gotta do. you want to do hit that board and try to land something that's worth more than five points. you ready? >> right on. >> jimmy: all right. let's start the "dart board of insanity." [ tech noises ] here's your gun. fire when ready! [ ding ] "shake your balls off" for ten points! [ cheers and applause ] higgins, tell him what he's gotta do! >> steve: well, jimmy, tonight's lucky contestant gets to put on a customized velcro man-thong with a bunch of sticky balls attached to it. he'll then have fifteen seconds to shake all the balls off. if he succeeds, he's got ten points. jimmy? [ cheers ] >> jimmy: thank you, higgins. [ cheers and applause ] all right, so it's pretty simple. okay? you put on this velcro diaper, and we're gonna give you 15 seconds. you gotta try to shake all of those balls off. you cannot use your hands.
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only pelvic thrusts and body gyrations. [ laughter ] you think you can do this? >> oh, yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. 15 seconds on the clock. please, audience, please cheer him on. ready? set. shake your balls off! ♪ ♪ shake your balls off shake, shake your balls off shake, shake your balls off ♪ ♪ shake, shake your balls off shake, shake your balls off ♪ ♪ shake, shake your balls off ♪ ♪ shake, shake your balls off shake, shake your balls off ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: sorry. you did not shake all of your balls off. [ light laughter ] it was a good effort. head on over there. let's go see our last contestant. how are you doing, buddy? >> hey, good, man. >> jimmy: see it's all down to you. you ready to do this? >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right, well, let's do this. let's initiate the "board of insanity." [ tech noises ] all right. here's your gun. you may fire when ready. >> thanks, man. [ ding ] "dude spoon." ♪ here we go. for 15 points. higgins, tell him what he's gotta do. >> steve: well jimmy, tonight's contestant gets to spend some quality time in bed with
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sebastian. [ cheers and applause ] he's a scorpio, a three-time convicted felon and master in the ancient art of spooning. it's the "dude spoon." and it's worth 15 points. jimmy? >> i don't know, man. wow. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: here's the deal. >> okay. >> jimmy: you're gonna have to get in bed and let sebastian spoon you. >> oh. okay. >> bonus shot! >> jimmy: oh, whoa. today must be your lucky day. that sound means you get a bonus shot at the board. it's up to you. do you want to attempt the "dude spoon," and spoon with sebastian for 20 seconds? [ cheers and applause ] or do you want to try to get something else? >> i think i'll try something else. >> jimmy: try to get something else. [ audience aws ] let's initiate the "board of insanity." >> i let the people down. >> jimmy: sorry, sebastian. [ tech noises ] go for it. [ ding ] "double dude spoon," there you go! [ cheers and applause ] >> all right, here we go. >> jimmy: higgins, tell him what he's gotta do. >> steve: well jimmy, tonight's contestant gets to spoon with sebastian and his twin brother, perseus! he's a sexy dude. [ cheers and applause ]
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he's in the mood and he's only got one thing on his mind -- spoonin' the hell out of ya for 20 seconds. [ cheers and applause ] it's the "double dude spoon." and it's worth 30 points. jimmy? >> jimmy: all right, very nice. >> all right, here we go. >> jimmy: all right. this is it. all right. this is it. tonight's big winner get in bed with perseus and sebastian here. here you go. [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: 20 seconds. perseus and sebastian, are you guys ready? >> yeah. i think they're ready. >> sweaty and ready. >> jimmy: very good. perseus, you look very familiar, perseus, have i ever met you before? >> you might be thinking of tom sizemore. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i didn't think so. all right, there you go. assume the position. there you go. it'll all be over very soon. 20 seconds on the clock. >> all right, here we go. >> jimmy: dim the lights please. ready, set, spoon! ♪ >> jimmy: relax and enjoy the spoon, my friend. >> i'm all over this, man.
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>> you ready for halloween? >> i am actually. >> do you have a costume planned out? >> probably. you know i'm never going to live this down. you know that, right? >> maybe you should go as a guy getting spooned. >> aw, man. >> it'd be a great costume. >> this is not good. aw, man. all right. there we go. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i think perseus fell asleep there. it was really nice. >> i know, probably. >> jimmy: you completed the "double dude spoon," get out of that bed as fast as possible. [ light laughter ] you are the winner. congratulations, my friend! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ as our winner, you will be receiving a check for $100. you earned it, my friend. >> thank you. >> jimmy: guys, come on over. sorry you didn't win, but you were good sports. so, you will all be getting $100 each, as well. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ and everyone will be taking home these official "late night with jimmy fallon" t-shirts, everybody. thank you for playing. [ cheers and applause ] thanks to nick offerman! stick around. we'll be right back with christina applegate! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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president obama: i'm barack obama and i approve... this message. anncr: bernie madoff. ken lay. dennis kozlowski. criminals. gluttons of greed. and the evil genius who towered over them? one man has the guts to speak his name. romney: big bird. big bird. big bird. big bird: it's me. big bird! anncr: big. yellow. a menace to our economy. mitt romney knows it's not wall street you have to worry about. it's sesame street. romney: i'm going to stop the subsidy to pbs. anncr: mitt romney. taking on our enemies... no matter where they nest. get a free 6-inch sub of your choice when you buy any 6-inch sub and any drink before 9am. that's right! buy any 6-inch subway sub and any drink before 9am to get your free 6-inch sub. october only, so hurry in!
1:00 am
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liquid gold. eat like that guy you know.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is an emmy award-winning actress who stars in the nbc show, "up all night," and this weekend, she hosts "saturday night live" with musical guest passion pit. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome christina applegate! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: yeah, come on. how cute, gosh. >> oh, my god. i'm am gonna -- >> jimmy: christina applegate. >> i'm gonna cry. >> jimmy: you are gonna cry, yeah. >> my mom wrote that song. >> jimmy: yeah. for you? >> well, no.
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about a painting. it was before i was born. 1969. oh, my god. that was so -- thank you. she is gonna get such a kick out of that. >> jimmy: oh, good, good, good. [ cheers and applause ] they put a lot into their songs, the roots do. you look gorgeous, as always. >> thank you. >> jimmy: thank you for coming back. how are you feeling? "saturday night live," this weekend. >> well, right now, why do you put cupcakes in the dressing room? >> jimmy: i'm sorry. [ light laughter ] >> right now, i'm having a sugar rush, a little bit. and then i start, like, talking like this -- [ speaking gibberish rapidly ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, you're not gonna crash. you're not gonna crash. no. >> it happens right in the middle. >> jimmy: they are delicious, though. no, we want to make sure everyone's awake. >> "saturday night live." >> jimmy: yeah, and it's all happening this whole week. >> it's crazy town over there. >> jimmy: i talked to the cast. they said everything's going good. all the writers love you. >> well, that's nice. >> jimmy: yeah, so this is thursday. then, i wouldn't bring it up. i wouldn't bring it up. [ laughter ] >> no, it's great. it's been great. they're so nice. they're all so young. young whippersnappers over there. >> jimmy: like you're old now, all of a sudden. >> i am much older than they are. >> jimmy: oh, my god. no, i don't think so. >> the last time i hosted, half of them weren't even born. i swear to god. [ laughter ] i swear to high -- >> jimmy: last time you hosted
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was 1993. >> yes. that's a year in another decade for those of you youngins out there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i will never forget it 'cause it was a great episode. the musical guest was midnight oil. >> it was midnight oil. ♪ ♪ beds are burning >> jimmy: that's so good. love it. >> what was that? >> jimmy: i don't know. i liked it, though. >> like a kermit meets the bald guy. i don't even know what that was. >> jimmy: you don't know what the bald guy's name was, but he was great. but you did a -- >> name the bald guy. >> jimmy: -- one of my favorite sketches of all time. "matt foley, motivational speaker." >> "motivational speaker." yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i love -- [ cheers and applause ] it was one of the great sketches of all time. >> yes. we are literally -- this is like the worst moment, but the best moment when you get the laughs. >> jimmy: oh, my god -- >> and you can't stop -- look it. it looks like i'm smelling something bad, but i'm not. i'm laughing so hard. >> jimmy: you had the church giggles. >> we had church giggles. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and i knew that i had one line coming up. like i had one joke, which was
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he asked me, "well, what do you want to do with your life?" and i'm supposed to say, "i want to live in a van down by the river." >> jimmy: yeah. >> and i kept going like, "okay, okay. you have one line. you have one line. pull it together. pull it together. pull it together." and it ended up coming out like this. [ speaking slowly ] "i want to live in a van down by the river." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, that was good though. you nailed it, though. >> because i had to say it so slowly because i was laughing so -- like, my insides were going like this. >> jimmy: it got, like, a standing ovation. [ mumbling slowly ] >> "i want to live in a van --" i was literally like that. >> jimmy: oh, stop it. you were not doing that at all. you're overreacting. i'm so excited. it's going to be fun. >> it was a great time. >> jimmy: it's you and passion pit. but then, we other stuff to talk about. >> yeah. >> jimmy: well, quickly, i just want to -- is this true? are you in "anchorman 2"? >> yes. >> jimmy: you are? really? [ cheers and applause ] they're making it. i love it. >> they're making it. it's happening. >> jimmy: they're making it. it's happening. >> it's happening. i am -- i am on the -- >> jimmy: oh, great. i love -- >> i don't know what i'm doing in it. i don't know -- >> jimmy: doesn't matter. >> -- anything. i know all of us are back. >> jimmy: it's happening. that's what i'm talking about. >> yeah. the whole gang. >> jimmy: oh, i cannot wait to see it. oh, i love it. >> some of them are so much
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richer than they were. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. [ laughter ] lot of egos. lot -- yeah. >> some of them -- >> jimmy: so much richer. >> so much richer. >> jimmy: "up all night." "up all night" -- "up all night" -- >> "up all night" is a show -- >> jimmy: you, maya rudolph, will arnett. >> thank you for reminding me. >> jimmy: yeah, you're welcome. >> yes. [ light laughter ] will arnett and maya rudolph and myself, and it's a show about people. >> jimmy: yeah, very good. [ laughter ] it's the first show about people. >> but it's on thursdays on this very network. >> jimmy: yeah. thursdays on -- tonight, it was -- already aired. >> brought to you by our boss man, lorne michaels. >> jimmy: yes, that's right. and the national broadcasting company. >> yes. >> jimmy: nbc. >> it's a good show. there've been a lot of changes. >> jimmy: now, what happened? your character is now out of a job. >> yes, she is now out of a job, and ava's out of a job. and so, she's a stay-at-home mom. so, that's kind of where we're at right now. >> jimmy: and will's working. >> and he goes back to work. >> jimmy: interesting. fun stuff. >> it's -- yeah. >> jimmy: i have a clip of you and the gang in "up all night." here's a clip, right here. >> oh. >> what's going on in here? >> oh, you're wearing my jersey, huh?
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>> i am. >> -- sunlight on the foliage. i'm light on pumpkin patch footage but i think the hunt for -- october is gonna be my best video onscreen. >> man. more like damn. right, honey? ♪ >> definitely, definitely. oh, you know what? maybe i'll use the -- trip to yogurt depot. or does that make it too on the nose? what's the point of learning all these imovie features if you don't use them? all right, rendering. rendering, rendering, render. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> that wasn't my butt. >> jimmy: what? >> that wasn't my butt! >> jimmy: yes, it was. >> not my butt. how would you know that was my butt. >> jimmy: i totally know. that's your butt. whose butt was it? >> someone who's got a nicer butt than i do. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hey, every time you're on the show, i like to play a game with you, do something fun. and you like gaming.
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>> i do. >> jimmy: like, board games and stuff, you enjoy. >> i do. >> jim: would you like to play a game with me when we come back? >> i would love to play a game with you. >> jimmy: christina applegate and i are playing catchphrase when we get back! woo! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ female announcer ] women are strong. degree created an antiperspirant that's just as strong. degree clinical protection. up to three times the strength of a basic antiperspirant. degree clinical protection. unapologetically strong.
1:09 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're back with the beautiful, the talented christina applegate and we are
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about to play a very fun game called "catchphrase." >> ah. >> jimmy: christina and i have teammates from our studio audience. guys, what are your names and where are you from? >> alissa from minnesota. ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: hey, alissa! welcome, alissa! >> i'm steven from nebraska. ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: steven from nebraska, how are you? all right, you guys, here is how it's going to work. christina will begin by pressing "start" on this buzzer here, okay? and then drawing a clue from the top of the pile. you've got to get your teammate to guess the clue, then hand the buzzer off to the person on your right. yeah, you're right. you can make any physical gesture and say anything, but can't say any word in the actual clue. any word in the clue, you cannot say. >> okay. >> jimmy: if you say the word, you have to start over with a brand-new clue. you lose if you're caught holding the buzzer when the time expires. first team to win two rounds wins! christina, you're first. >> oh, my gosh. ah! >> jimmy: press start. >> wait, no. right now? >> jimmy: yeah, we're going to go do this. >> wait. aren't we supposed to say, "ready, go?" >> jimmy: no, wait, we will do this right. go. now go. >> oh, my god. um, okay, these are were the first two people on the planet. people on the planet.
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fig leave. >> adam and eve. >> okay. >> jimmy: very nice. >> do this on halloween. >> jimmy: trick or treat. >> yeah. >> not talking loudly but -- >> softly. whispering. >> yes. >> jimmy: okay. this is a short man who is on fantasy island -- [ laughter ] or just somebody you get -- you get this if you get drunk. you get something like this on your arm that has -- >> tattoo? >> jimmy: yes. yes. that's right. >> um, my last name starts with this word. >> apple. >> but, if you have one -- >> apple and oranges. >> what do they say about the doctor? >> apple a day. >> yes. >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. >> you say -- >> jimmy: halloween. >> ghosts say -- >> jimmy: boo. >> the second in the nation? >> the -- second what? >> jimmy: vice president. >> yeah. ♪ >> did we win? [ applause ] >> second in the nation. >> jimmy: second in the nation is good. a lot of pressure there. very, very good.
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[ laughter ] second in the nation. all right. this feels good. very tense game. very stressful. everything okay? are you going to fall? all right. no. no. >> here we go. [ talking over each other ] >> jimmy: pick it up again, yeah. all right. >> i'll pick it up. all right. >> jimmy: pick the number and press start. >> oh. >> all right. if a guy does something bad and the girl doesn't want to sleep with him she puts him in the -- >> the [ bleep ] chair. [ laughter ] dog house. in the dog house! [ laughter ] >> yeah! there you go! >> jimmy: [ bleep ] chair? [ light laughter ] cabbage patch kids have these? >> dimples. >> jimmy: yeah. >> okay. um, um, here we are in the city called -- >> new york. >> and their baseball team is called -- >> the yankees. [ applause ] >> um three words, you want to create something, you -- if you create something you -- >> jimmy: start it up? let's do this. it could be anything. >> if you -- it's crafts and it's, and you --
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what do you with it? what's the action you do? >> jimmy: get jiggy with it! [ light laughter ] you do crafts with it. >> it's a saying. >> jimmy: all right, it's a saying. and you want to do this? >> there's seven of them in a week. >> jimmy: days. >> yes, first word is craft you -- you -- what do you do with a craft? [ buzz ] >> yes! >> make my day! [ applause ] >> jimmy: what do i do with a craft? [ light laughter ] what do i do with a craft? >> you make them. >> jimmy: you put them in the [ bleep ] chair, is what you do with a craft. [ laughter ] so bad. all right. all right. hey. >> okay. >> jimmy: whoever wins this next one gets the chance. all right. come on. we can do this. that was good. >> nothing. >> jimmy: yeah, come on. i'm past it now. "make my day." [ light laughter ] >> okay. a chimney is -- >> jimmy: on top of a roof, of a house. yeah. [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: no, house, roof? all right. go. [ laughter ] >> the orange and yellow people from "sesame street"? >> oh, god, "meh, meh, meh." oh, ernie and bert.
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>> yeah. >> ernie and bert. >> jimmy: or bert and ernie. [ light laughter ] who says, "ernie and bert?" it's another word for alcohol. >> booze. >> jimmy: yeah. >> okay. you go to this person when you feel sick. >> doctor. >> a duck makes this sound. >> jimmy: quack. [ cheers ] >> you wear it around your head but not a hat. >> a head band. >> no, other name. other name for it. >> a scarf. >> no! >> oh, my god. >> no, up here, not down here. up here. >> a cap. a hat. >> it's like -- it's like a head band but not -- >> a hair tie! >> a red cloth. >> it's a bandanna! >> there you go! [ cheers and applause ] >> next -- [ buzz ] ♪ >> jimmy: did we get it? we didn't get it? oh, come on. [ cheers and applause ] oh, my god. congratulations, christina applegate! she's the champ! you won. congratulations. i'm so sorry. "up all night" airs thursdays at 8:30 p.m. on nbc. check her out on "saturday night
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live" this weekend with musical guest passion pit. nick offerman joins us next! come on back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] go-to... [ male announcer ] house party. ♪ [ female announcer ] go-to... [ male announcer ] temptation. [ female announcer ] i'll have the yellow tail, i'll have the yellow tail. ♪ go-to... [ male announcer ] joker's wild. [ female announcer ] i just love that moscato. go-to... [ male announcer ] girl's night in. [ female announcer ] never the wrong time for the right wine. [ male announcer ] yellow tail, the go-to. challenge that with new olay facial hair removal duo. even coarse, stubborn facial hair gently. plenty of gain, without all that pain... with olay.
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1:20 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest this evening is a very funny man. starting tomorrow, his new movie, "smashed," opens in select theaters, and every week
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you can see him in "parks and recreation", which airs thursday nights at 9:30 p.m. right here on nbc. please welcome back to the show a very handsome, very talented actor. here's nick offerman! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ who's that girl who's that girl who's that girl who's that girl ♪ ♪ who's that girl who's that girl who's that girl who's that girl ♪ >> jimmy: oh, my goodness that's what i'm talking about right there. you are a very, very funny, very good-looking gentleman. >> that's generous. >> jimmy: it's not generous, nick, i got to say i thought i -- i thought i saw you earlier in the show. lying on a bed. that was not you though? >> no but you might have been thinking of michael chiklis. [ laughter ] i get that a lot. [ laughter ] especially when he wears a hat. >> jimmy: yeah, i don't think so. well -- there was a person that looked like you was laying on a
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bed with sebastian, i think his name is perseus. [ light laughter ] he had like a back brace suspender thing on? >> sounds like a bad-ass dude. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i think he is. i think he is. hey, congrats, you're doing a one-man show. i want to talk about this. called "american ham." >> that's right. >> jimmy: now, tell me about this. >> i got invited to speak at some colleges and i jumped at the chance 'cause i have some things that i'd like to stay with the state of the young people. and i created a show that is my ten tips for prosperous life. i do some songs. >> jimmy: ten tips for a prosperous life. can you give us any of those tips? >> yeah, number one is engage in romantic love. [ light laughter ] it's not a joke. it's not a joke. [ applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, we know that. we are laughing and clapping because we thought of something earlier. [ laughter ] what? what do you see, there? >> um -- number two is uh -- say, "please and thank you." >> jimmy: ah. >> number three is carry a
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hanky. number eight is maintain a relationship with jesus christ if it's getting you sex. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> number four is eat red meat. [ light laughter ] number five, get a hobby. number six, go outside. number seven, don't look in the mirror. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: don't look in the mirror? >> avoid the mirror, actually, to be accurate. number nine, use intoxicants. [ laughter ] and -- number ten is paddle your own canoe. and you will experience prosperity, like you have not experienced before. >> jimmy: wow. this is amazing advice for me. thank you so much for telling us all that. >> my pleasure. good night, everyone. >> jimmy: no. no. no, no, no. nick, please don't leave. i know -- where are you doing the show now? >> i have been touring colleges. i will continue to do so. we started doing kind of pro theater shows. we will be coming to new york before long. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and my wife has this kick ass
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new band called nancy and beth, my beautiful wife, megan mullally. >> jimmy: we love megan mullally. [ cheers and applause ] i mean, talking about talent. looks, got it all. >> you guys, if you want to see nancy and beth in this show, if you like foxy chicks with curves that go like this -- [ laughter ] they do like andrews sisters' harmonies. >> jimmy: do they really? >> and choreography, yeah. >> jimmy: no. >> it's amazing. >> jimmy: i love that. >> they've been opening for me, which is ridiculous, it is like having wilco open for me, or something. >> jimmy: yeah, sure, something big and then had you sing as well? >> i do. then, i come out and sing some songs. and honestly, it's a dream come true getting to sing with my wife without irony. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. that's pretty good. do you -- does anyone play music or just -- >> they have a band. i play guitar. i have been studying for about 20 years and i have achieved the level of intermediate recently. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hey, congratulations. >> right. i'm perfectly adequate. >> jimmy: you really are. [ light laughter ] you're phenomenal.
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i've got to say, "parks and recreation," congrats on that. you are just great on the show. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. [ applause ] >> jimmy: one of the funniest characters on television, i would say. >> thank you very much. [ applause ] >> jimmy: ron swanson is your character on the show, "parks and recreation." >> that's right. >> jimmy: and you -- this season, a lot's going down with you, a little romance is brewing. but also, we have a clip of you. you're helping aziz ansari with his internet addiction? >> that's right. i'm trying to help him get off the devices. >> jimmy: yeah. so, what you do is you take him -- ron swanson tanks him out to a cabin somewhere. >> that's right. i take him out to experience actually some of the things i mentioned in my tips. >> jimmy: very, very nice. >> take a look. >> jimmy: nick offerman and aziz ansari, in a clip from next week's "parks and rec." check this out. >> wikipedia, mankind's greatest invention. you can learn about anything. take ray-j for example. we all know he's a singer, he's brandy's brother and he was in that classic sex tape with kim kardashian. but did you also know he is snoop dogg's cousin and he was
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in the '96 tim burton movie "mars attacks"? suddenly, you are on the "mars attacks" page. i love g chat. you can talk to anybody. i hit up brad.pitt, wasn't the actor. it's actually a guy named brad that's is a teacher in pittsburgh. we don't have a lot in common but we chat quite a bit. >> jimmy: yeah. yeah, yeah, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] he's really enjoying the experience. nick offerman, everybody! gosh, we're so happy to have you here. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: come back whenever you want, buddy. >> thank you. >> jimmy: we will be right back with a song from jackson browne. see you after the break. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is joined tonight by rob wasserman to perform the song, "you know the night," from the album, "note of hope: a celebration of woody guthrie." please welcome jackson browne! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ you know the night i met you my eyes had been looking for you ♪ ♪ all over everywhere over low roads down highways bald deserts ♪ ♪ you know the night you know the night you know the night you know the night ♪
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♪ your eyes had this same shine about them i noticed and when i first looked ♪ ♪ through the wild wayward mist i felt such a warm friendly cool sunny smile ♪ ♪ i wanted to look in your eyes for all time i just felt like you feel when you feel like the ♪ ♪ angels are curling your hair and you feel like the devil is scratching your heel ♪ ♪ you know the night you know the night you know the night you know the night ♪ ♪ did you feel this way too when i met you you know the night you know the night ♪ ♪ i first met you you know the night ♪ ♪ did you look at me and think here's this guy that hopes like i hope ♪
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♪ and sees the same kind of dreams that i see 'cause you wondered i know if your hopes could find shape in the words ♪ ♪ that we used there to work back the fog your hopes and your plans for the good of the people ♪ ♪ could all of your hundred and one dreams just as bright as the sun ♪ ♪ and all your wants and your hottest desires find shape in the flow of my talk ♪ ♪ you know the night you know the night you know the night that i met you ♪ ♪ you know the night you know the night you know the night ♪ ♪ you know the night i met you ♪ ♪
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♪ you know the night i met you my eyes had been looking for you all over ♪ ♪ everywhere over low roads down highways bald deserts ♪ ♪ and i felt like you feel when you feel like the angels are curling your hair ♪ ♪ and you feel like the devil is scratching your heel ♪ ♪ i just felt like you feel when you feel like the angels are curling your hair ♪ ♪ and you feel like the devil is scratching your heel ♪ ♪ you know the night you know the night you know the night ♪ ♪ you know the night you know the night you know the night i met you you know the night ♪ ♪ you know the night you know the night


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